Born in the United States, Dominic Martell has resided in Spain and
France and made extended journeys in Latin America, Europe and the Near
East. He studied philosophy and languages and has worked as a translator
and a teacher. As Sam Reaves he has published several crime novels set
in the U.S. He is married and has a son and a daughter.
“I did some growing up in Barcelona; it gave me a sense of vast horizons and worlds to conquer.“
Detectives Beyond Borders: <i>Gitana</i>, or a wallow in Dominic Martell’s world
“Lots of crime novels are suffused with atmosphere, but Gitana is almost entirely atmosphere through its opening pages…”
Thriller’s Hero Wants Peaceful Life in Barcelona | A Traveler’s Library
“Packed with action, and set in a fascinating city, it just seems to be made for the big screen.”